Managing Team Users
Day-to-day management tasks for team owner’s and administrators. Team users are managed from the Users section of the Team Dashboard.
Note: You will need to have either the “Owner” or “Admin” team role to perform the below operations. See Team Roles for information on the exact permissions each role is granted.
Updating User Roles
To update an existing user’s role click the “Edit” icon next to the user’s name.
Removing Users from your Team
To remove an existing user click on the “Trash” icon next to the user’s name. You will be asked to confirm removal of the user.
Withdrawing Invitations
To withdraw a pending invitation, click on the Withdraw button under the appropriate invitation. You will be asked to confirm invitation withdrawal.
Responding to Join Requests
In addition to inviting users, user’s who know your Team ID can request to join your team.
After clicking on View next to a join request you will have the option to Accept or Decline the request. If you accept the request, you will need to provide a role for the new user.
See Also
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