ResourcesAbout Minute MediatorMinute Mediator vs. Traditional Mediation

Comparing Minute Mediator and Traditional Mediations

Old School MediationMinute Mediator
Cost$2,000 to $5,000 per Session
$200 to $350 Administrative Fee
$99 Session Fee
Success FeeYou pay regardless of whether or not your session is successful$1,000 Success Fee

Paid only if your session is successful, and your settlement amount is over $15,000.
SchedulingMay have to wait multiple monthsInstantaneous
TimeFour-hour or Eight-hour sessions30-minute session
Confidence LevelParties do not trust each other and are hesitant to make big movesFree to make big moves because the other side only sees the settlement amount if your case settles
Settlement StrategyOnce you have made a large move, you are stuck with it because the other side knows your numberSettlement strategy is not jeopardized because the other side only sees your number if the case settles